Sunday 29 December 2013

Updates: Goals for 2014

Hello! It has been a long, very long while since I have last written a blog! December was a very busy month and so I didn't get any reading done. I have noticed for the past couple of months, I have not been reading much and have been doing other things such as binge-watching tv shows, consistently watching movies and just eating a huge amount of popcorn. This made me realise that I don't just want to talk about books all the time, I want to share my love for movies and tv shows. This is why in 2014, The Dauntless Community is not just going to be about books anymore, there will be reviews about movies, lists of the best new shows, recommendations for people who love [insert tv show here] and a variety of different blogs. Obviously I am still going to review books and tell you about some interesting novels coming out soon (look forward to my Most anticipated reads for 2014) but I just want switch things up a bit for the better, and things are going to be changed (for the better!)

Here are my goals for 2014 to make 'The Dauntless Community' a much better blog!

  1. At least one post every week.
  2. Talk about books, tv shows, and movies.
  3. Review 1 book, 1 tv show and 2 movies a month
  4. Try to read more so I can discuss more books on this blog!
  5. Keep my viewers (you) entertained!
So here are my goals, most likely the 1st and the 3rd won't happen often, but I hope these goals will help this blog to be better and so more people can view it!

Look forward to my top 5 favourite Tv shows which will be posted today!

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